Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas

Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas

CAS No.: 7783-54-2
EINECS No.: 232-007-1
UN No.: UN2451
DOT Class: 2.2&5.1
Purity: 99.99%-99.999%
Standard Packaging: 40L, 47L, Y-440L cylinder
Molecular Weight: 71.0019 g/mol
Density: 2.96 kg/m³
Chemical Property: Non-flammable Gas, Oxidizing Agent
Standard Grade: Industrial Grade, Electronic Grade

Nitrogen trifluoride is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NF3. It is a colorless gas at room temperature and pressure, insoluble in water, a strong oxidant but with very stable chemical properties. It is an excellent plasma etching gas in the microelectronics industry and can also be used as a high-energy fuel.

Typical Application:
Semiconductor Manufacturing ‌
In the manufacture of transistors, integrated circuits and other devices, nitrogen trifluoride is used to clean the surface of silicon wafers, remove organic and inorganic impurities, ensure the surface is flat and clean, and is also used to etch the surface of silicon wafers to manufacture tiny circuit structures.
‌Metal Processing ‌
Nitrogen trifluoride can be used for cleaning and coating preparation of metal surfaces. It can effectively remove oil and oxides on the metal surface, reducing the difficulty of subsequent processing.
‌High-energy Chemical Lasers ‌
In the military and scientific research fields, nitrogen trifluoride is used as a fluorine source in high-energy chemical lasers
‌Solar Photovoltaic Industry ‌
High-purity nitrogen trifluoride plays a role in the production of thin-film silicon solar cells, especially in the manufacture of amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells
‌Oxidant ‌
In mining and rocket technology, nitrogen trifluoride can be used as an oxidant to improve the combustion efficiency of fuel ‌.


Product Content:

Specification 99.99% 99.999%
Carbon Tetrafluoride ≤40ppmv ≤20ppmv
Nitrogen ≤10ppmv ≤50ppmv
Oxygen+Argon ≤5ppmv ≤3ppmv
Carbon Monoxide ≤1ppmv ≤1ppmv
Carbon Dioxide ≤3ppmv ≤0.5ppmv
Nitrous Oxide ≤3ppmv ≤1ppmv
Sulfur Hexafluoride ≤3ppmv ≤2ppmv
Moisture ≤1ppmv ≤1ppmv
Express as HF ≤1ppmv ≤1ppmv

Packaging & Shipping

Product Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3​​​​
Packaging Size​ 47Ltr Cylinder Y-440Ltr Cylinder
Filling Net Weight/Cyl 20 Kgs 200 Kgs
QTY Loaded in 20’Container 200 Cyls 6 Cyls
Total Net Weight​​​​​​ 4 Tons 1.2 Tons
Cylinder Tare Weight​​​​​​ 52 Kgs 680 Kgs
Valve CGA330/DISS640